Carroll Magazine reaches 155,000 + Readers!
For more information on advertising opportunities in Carroll Magazine, please contact an account executive. Someone from our staff will be in touch shortly thereafter. Thank you in advance for your interest in advertising in Carroll Magazine.
Advertising Benefits of Carroll Magazine
A Division of KoHN Creative – A Full-Service Graphic Design and Marketing Firm
- Premier glossy lifestyle magazine for Carroll County
- up to 65,000 printed – We frequently reach every household in the county.
- Saturated mailing to upper end neighborhoods with 82% Home Ownership (67.7% Statewide)
- The median income for Carroll County is $79,803, while the median state income is $67,989
- More than 155,000 readers with a growing subscription base
- Approximately 2,000 magazines distributed to local businesses and institutions. (Carroll Hospital Center, doctors’ offices, libraries, coffeehouses, salons and banks – high traffic areas)
- Magazines with timely but not news breaking stories have a longer shelf life in homes and offices. This medium’s longevity gives advertisers “more bang for their buck.”
- Professional, innovative ad design and photography available at no additional charge. Utilize your ad design for additional promotional materials. Your ad can become a postcard, sales sheet, rack card… the possibities are endless