I’m a huge fan of blending the old and the new. I enjoy listening to music on vinyl records some nights. On other nights, I let Alexa bust her DJ moves.

We have library spaces in most rooms in the house, but I appreciate digital options when time or space is limited.

I write letters and savor the hippie smell of sealing wax some days; on others, I sink into social media’s instant gratification.

This issue of Carroll Magazine is the perfect blend of the old with the new. It’s spring (I think), so I’ll focus on the new.

In this issue, each town has its own page of news nuggets, events and advertisements from local businesses (See “Neighborhoods,”). Rather than sift through a mile-long calendar, we hope readers will find what they want faster with this new design.

Also new: We offered a soft launch first, but now I’m hollering from my house on Ridge Road about a new Carroll Magazine phone app that puts local news and discounts at your fingertips. 

Rather than tell your friends about a cool story, you can take out your phone and show them. And if you happen to be dining at a local restaurant, you can snag a coupon from the app and save money before the bill arrives.

Semi-new: Kym Byrnes. For more than 10 years, Kym and I have been friends and journalism colleagues. Like me, she is an oldie when it comes to Carroll Magazine. We helped the Kohn family launch it and then, as associate editor (Kym) and editor (me), we led it.

New: After this issue, Kym’s role will shift to managing editor so I can ease into doing what I love to do the most: writing. I’m at a point in my life when receiving a call from an editor, rather than making calls as an editor, sounds heavenly. 

I can’t wait to unearth and tell more stories about this community, especially with the magazine team that I have respected for so many years.

It has been both an honor and a thrill to edit this magazine and ease it into your households and, hopefully, into your hearts. It will be an equal honor to write for the publication as I now become what journalists call a buried lead.

Amazing Peace,

Lisa Moody Breslin